Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"You don't love me"

"!@## %^ love me"-mumbled my talkative daughter.
I said "what?" and my 3 year old repeats sadly" you don't love me mummy".

That day I was busy with long overdue housecleaning,laundry ,cooking, juggling between my part time job and kids...its always a long list for us moms.
My little one has this habit of interrupting anything I do with questions, or saying she wants to help,or asking me to help out with an activity after 5 seconds into doing it.
So after a couple of these,I say try to do it yourself or go find something to do while I got back to the chores. Eventually I reach a point where I choose to pay attention to only the most dire situations.All others manage to get a "uh ah" or "yes" or "no".

I didn't realise I had been ignoring her so much until she made the statement-"You are not talking to me. You don't love me..." That instant I left everything I was doing,picked her up and tried my best to console her.
Like all little kids she felt better and forgot the whole thing instantly and went back to her computer game.

But I could not help but wonder how many times like this have I ignored my children,considering household duties more important than them.
I am sure not too far away are the days when they become teenagers and don't want to spend even a little time talking to us, may even be embarrassed when we hug or kiss them in public or even say "I love you".
At least till things get more complicated, let me try to take life slow and enjoy every day in their carefree innocent life.

1 comment:

@the_whisk_affair said...

How true it is Sonia! I guess many of the moms could relate to what you are saying!